Green River

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Tes Larian
11/08/2019 à 16:12:20

still trying to dial in my bass sound playing on this site. getting closer.. very time consuming to have to play the whole tune just hear what you sound like before you record. am I missing something?

Tes Larian
11/08/2019 à 16:16:45

who has control of the mix? I can adjust the sound of everyone's levels in record mode but that doesn't carry over after validating. Wondering if Frank has the ability to remove backing track and adjust levels on the whole collab since he was the one who started us off?

11/08/2019 à 20:56:01

Tes - As far as I know there is no way to do partial is all or none...You are also correct that the final mix does not carryover after validating....That is by design...As per the FAQS - "For the moment, you can only adjust the sound level of the other jammers during your recording. If you want to get in line with the drums and focus less on other instruments for example, you can turn up the volume of the rhythmic and turn down the volume of the others. However, this will not appear in the final rendering. Adjusting the sound levels is an aid to recording but does not allow you to decrease a specific volume on the final jam.
We are currently working on a better audio equalizer system that will allow a better mixing of the instruments. You must also be careful when participating in your own sound volume. Respect everyone's participation so that everyone can be heard;)"

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